The team was successfully checked off late on Tuesday. Communication nodes were all successfully implemented with the exception of the SPECIAL PIC, which was tested the previous Thursday. In the state at which the project was in for checkoff, the following items were implemented and functioning:
- The POD brain could successfully sense and send digital inputs and send the state of these digital inputs via SPI to the POD radio PIC. This "command" was implemented using the framework of the communication protocol. The POD brain could also receive the "status" from the E128 (via SPI communication with the POD radio PIC) and successfully execute broadcast/ connect and disconnect actions. In situations where the ROAMER fails to reply, the POD disconnects and puts out its "connect status" light.
- The POD radio PIC could successfully receive the command from the POD brain and simultaneously send the status of the E128 to the POD brain. Upon receiving a command from the brain, the radio PIC would immediately build the data packet and forward to the POD XBee, which would transmit the command to the ROAMER XBee.
- The ROAMER XBee would successfully receive the command from the POD and forward the command to the E128/ brain. At the same time, it would receive the E128 status from the brain and send this information via asynchronous communication to the XBee radio, which would transmit it to the POD.
- At the time of checkoff, the SPECIAL communication was not implemented but was shown to work during the previous checkoff, in which the SPECIAL PIC communicated the status of the SPECIAL to the E128.
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